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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Another Readercon Has Come and Gone

I was actually a little bit worried about attending Readercon 25. We've been to quite a few now, but last year's was rather disconcerting. The hotel, the Burlington Marriott, was undergoing major renovations during the con; our favorite pub had been closed, so food was an issue; check in was being held in a tiny side room, not the main lobby. Things were topsy-turvy and not terribly comfortable or convenient.

But we managed to survive and have a good time in spite of everything. However, to tell the truth I wasn't looking forward to this year's convention as much as usual.

Fortunately, conditions were much improved. The lobby was back in business and looking good. There is now a Great Room where the pub used to be, providing space where one can sit, talk, and relax as well as enjoy food and drink. It's complete with an ultra-modern fireplace and candle-lit shelves.

But our room was on the first floor and appeared not to have been remodeled at all. We missed having a fridge, and there was a strong smell of pool chemicals due to our proximity to the pool area.

We had Sunday brunch at the new restaurant ( Chopps ) that replaced SummerWinter. I found the food of better quality than previous years.

The Book Dealers' Room was full and well attended. Hubby and I bought more books to add to our ever-growing TBR pile, as well as making a sidetrip to Barnes and Noble. So Readercon is alive and kicking. We have no hesitation about attending next year's. In fact, we're already looking forward to it.

Whether or not you attend conventions, remember to keep on reading, and keep on writing!

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