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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How Many Words Did You Write Today?

This is a question authors frequently ask each other---and themselves! But I'm not so sure this is the question we should be asking. I'd rather be asked, How good was the writing you did today? After all, putting a few thousand words down on paper or on a computer screen isn't what's really important. We should be focused on the quality of our words, not the quantity.

Is it really a matter of "the more words, the better"? If those words aren't the right words, the best we can write, if they fail to express what we mean them to, then we need to concentrate on improving the quality of our work.

Of course, rough drafts are just that---rough. Much revision and editing are always necessary to smooth out the bumps. But starting with the first draft, we need to aim for quality. Instead of struggling to churn out as many words as possible, aim to produce, instead, the absolute best work you can possibly come up with.

So my mantra is: Aim for quality, not quantity! Agree or disagree?

Keep on writing!


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