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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hard Scifi or Soft Scifi?

Over the past few years, a lot of my readers have told me that I write science fiction for people who don't read science fiction. That puzzled me a bit at first, but after thinking about it, I realized they mean that I do not write primarily about hardware or scientific theories.

My work is character-driven. The setting may be a space ship or an alien planet, but it's my characters who run the show. And those characters aren't bug-eyed monsters or intergalactic spiders. They are more or less "human" or humanoid. They have very human feelings: love, hate, jealousy, loneliness, etc., and very human motivations: thirst for vengeance, lust for power, wrestling with morality, etc.

Character-driven scifi is often referred to as "soft" science fiction, while scifi based primarily on scientific concepts and theories is referred to as "hard" science fiction. I have read and enjoyed both types; however, looking at a list of my favorite scifi novels, I clearly come down on the side of soft scifi. Examples are Zenna Henderson's People books and Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider series, all longtime favorites of mine.

If you are one of those who don't usually read scifi, or have never given it a try, you might want to investigate my Tartarus Trilogy ( Judgment on Tartarus, True Son of Tartarus, and Ransom of Tartarus.) Amazon books has a look inside feature, so you can take a peek without buying anything. You can check out my website ( ) for my book cover blurbs and quick links to Amazon. If you are on facebook, you can also "like" my individual book pages to see snippets from all three books.

If you've been hesitant to try science fiction, be brave! Give it a go! You never know what you might be missing.


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