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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What Is Cosplay?

   One of the things I've always loved about science fiction conventions and, more recently, comic cons is called "cosplay" nowadays. This refers to the practice of fans and con-attendees dressing up as their favorite characters or to invent their own costumed creations.

   Probably the first time I ever encountered this tradition was on the West Coast at a Westercon held in Santa Barbara, California. ( The East Coast, being more proper, hadn't yet succumbed to such shenanigans! ) This was the one and only con where I also dared to wear a costume: a bright orange Indian sari. Though I thoroughly enjoyed being part of a cosplay group, I was never tempted to indulge again.

   I get much more enjoyment from observing the creative efforts of others who cosplay. Over the years I've been attending cons, I've seen some memorable costumes, from the sublime to the ridiculous. For instance one young woman who won Best Costume for a non-costume: a scattering of glued on sparkles and very little else!

   At another con, I was impressed by a pair of very detailed, authentic-looking Borg. ( If you're a fan of Star Trek, you know what I mean. ) I've seen spectacular winged beings, Elves, Minbari, Harry Potters, etc. One of the best costumes was a gorgeous Chris Hemsworth look-alike dressed as Thor, hammer and all. Sigh!

   But perhaps my most memorable experience was at a Rebelcon in Mass. A group of Klingon cosplayers were gathered at the hotel pub. As the last of the group got up to leave, the bartender hollered across the room, "Hey, Klingon! Who's paying for the drinks?"

How very Klingon of them!

I love those who take the time and effort to produce and wear these costumes They show their true love for their characters and make events much more fun for fellow fans.

Cosplay forever!


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