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Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Scene From Judgment on Tartarus

So here's a bit of Chapter 6: "A Fist to the Jaw"---literally!

   Rona Scott's next encounter with the infuriating Tartarian proved even more puzzling than the last.

   After her daily workout, she left the rec-deck and went down to her quarters to change for fourth-watch Bridge duty. She doffed her sweat-soaked exercise outfit, showered, and dressed in a fresh blue jumpsuit.

   Bound for the Bridge, Rona started down the length of Deck Five's Alpha Corridor, headed for the forward lift-complex. Ahead, she heard angry voices. The words were indistinguishable, but she recognized the Tartarian's voice--deep, precise, and obviously furious. A barked laugh answered him.

   Rona came within clear sight of the lift-complex just in time to witness a scene she never would've believed possible.

   Standing in the middle of Beta Corridor, port, Malkis faced a belligerant Lieutenant Klasner. Rona instantly recognized the big man from the recent Commissary incident. Upon seeing Rona Scott approaching, without  warning the Exec drew back his right arm and drove a knotted fist straight into Klasner's jaw. His fist connected with an audible crack, slamming the burly crewman against the bulkhead behind him. Klasner slid to the deck, unconscious.

   Malkis calmly flexed his pale, blue-veined hand, pivoted on his heel, and approached Rona, who stood rooted to the spot in horror. His pale-gray eyes impaled her with such frightening intensity that she let out a gasp.

   "Ensign Scott, did you overhear any of that conversation?" he demanded in an urgent tone.

   Rona shook her head before finding her voice and replying weakly, "No--no, Sir--not at all!"

   "You are quite certain?"

   "Yes, Sir--I'm certain. Not a single word."

@copyright 2011

A mystifying incident, a serious breach of regs, with an intriguing explanation! For more, go to and see the  "Look Inside" feature.I think you'll enjoy reading more; at least I hope you do.

Keep on writing, and keep on reading!


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