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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Blood Is Blood!

One of the most enigmatic common sayings on the planet Tartarus ( from my Tartarus Trilogy: Judgment on Tartarus, True Son of Tartarus, and Ransom of Tartarus ) is "Blood is blood." So what the heck does that mean?

To a Tartarian, blood is sacred. Blood means life; therefore, blood is not to be spilled lightly. However, there are only two possible punishments for a serious transgression against the Holy Law of Ahn-eld ( Tartarus ): exile or death!

Common criminals who are found deserving of the death penalty are simply poisoned. A derivative of the Dar-tzl plant, otherwise known as the Death Plant, is administered. No blood is spilled.

But if the offender is unlucky enough to be born of the Jaru-alt ( the Noble Class) and is not sentenced to permanent exile from the planet, death comes by public execution. And execution is carried out by means of the Great Blade of Ahn-eld. The ceremonial weapon is a large curved blade, the hilt of which is studded with multi-colored jewels.

Besides being an extremely painful death, execution is humiliating, dishonorable, and bloody. The victim has given up his sacred right to life. This illustrates how seriously Tartarians take severe violations of their sacred Law. You wouldn't wish being born a Jaru-alt on your worst enemy! I guess we should all be glad it's only fiction.

Anyway, keep on reading, and if you're a writer, keep on writing!


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