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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fast and Furious?

Of late, I haven't blogged much. As usual, I've had way too many irons in the fire. I finally finished editing and revising my first space-opera, Galaxy Rand. The cover art is done. I'll be getting the novel ready for publication this year---after working on it for a good many years.

I've also finished transferring the first prequel to my Tartarus Trilogy to my laptop. I let it "marinate" before final polishing and editing. Malkis of Tartarus should be ready for publication in 2014. At the same time, I've been writing a rough draft of the second ( and final ) prequel to be titled Hero of the Gorgonian Wars. If all goes well, that sixth novel will be published in 2015.

That may sound as if I'm writing fast and furiously. I'm not. I don't turn out books like batches of cookies. Yum, cookies! I'll admit to being a bit of a perfectionist. I want all my books to be as perfect as humanly possible. But at my age I can't expect to be writing forever. With any luck, I might be able to keep it up until I'm in my eighties! But who knows?

So when I have a strong story stuck in my head, I want to get it down on paper as quickly as possible, but preparing a book for publication is quite another story. Takes me forever.Sorry, fans! It's (almost) four down and two to go. Thanks for your patience.

Keep on reading; keep on writing!


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