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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Gal Named Galaxy

Once upon a time, many years ago, I wrote a short story titled "Me 'n' the Bot." I wrote it off the top of my head with little forethought, then put it away and let it "marinate," as I call resting a manuscript.

Occasionally, I would take it out and tinker with it: revising, extending, editing, and so forth. I never had any thought of trying to publish it; I had too many other irons in the fire, including a science fiction trilogy ( The Tartarus Trilogy. )

As I gradually added to and refined the story, it dawned on me that it was becoming a short novel. I had fallen in love with the two main characters: a tough, feisty female "recoup" agent named Galaxy Rand and a mysterious robot she refers to as "pal," "chum," "Blackie," and eventually Tin Man.

I loved the budding relationship between two such wildly different characters. It became a case of the characters taking up the story and running with it. I could hardly keep up!

So, in 2014 Galaxy Rand became my first space opera and fourth published novel. She's been very popular ever since, and I still love her dearly.

You just never know where an idea will come from or where it might lead you. Let your imagination run wild, and try to keep up with it! Keep on reading and keep writing!
