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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Granite State Comic Con 2017

Every once in a while we decide to try doing something new and different. Sometimes we're happy with the results and sometimes not. We recently attended our first Granite State Comicon as vendors, and, boy, are we glad we did!

I'm the author of several scifi/space-adventure books, so I sell and sign my books, while my hubby is an avid collector of comics, DVDs, scifi toys, and other collectibles. This comic con turned out to be one of the best events we've ever attended. It was fun and exciting, as well as being financially successful.

The beautiful venue was the Radisson Hotel and Expo Center in downtown Manchester, NH--a great place to hold a con. Fans came in droves, many in costume. The con staff was friendly and helpful, especially the volunteers ( who were designated "Red Shirts!" ) Not a dud in the bunch!

Besides selling our stuff, we enjoyed meeting and chatting with other fans and taking pictures of some of the most outstanding costumes. Notable among them were an incredible Beauty and the Beast, an in-character Harley Quinn ( who was a hoot! ), a giant robot, and a very realistic Storm Trooper.

One cosplay group even enacted King Arthur's "gallop" from Monty Python's Holy Grail. They were hilarious! This con was very kid-friendly; many little ones came in costume, and several activities were geared especially for kids. We were really glad to see generations of new fans coming up.

All in all, we had a wonderful time; this was one of the best-attended and best-run events we've gone to in quite some time. We can't thank the con committee and staff for doing such a great job. And we can't wait for Granite State Comicon 2018, Sept. 14 & 15!

Keep writing and keep reading,
