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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Case of the Disappearing Cons

   This year the after-holidays blahs set in with a vengeance. This was due to several factors. At this time of year hubby and I start looking forward to attending our favorite conventions, usually scifi or other related genres.

   First, we learned that Pi-con ( Enfield CT ) would not continue. It was a small con we greatly enjoyed attending. Our fond memories of Pi-con include the extra night we spent after the con due to Hurricane Irene. We had fun at the impromptu panels held for those who stayed over.

   Then, due to circumstances beyond our control related to hubby's job, we discovered that we'd be unable to attend Readercon for the forseeable future. Bummer! We've gone to Readercon ( Burlington MA ) faithfully for many years now. We enjoyed the venue, the people, the panels and other activities. We were especially fond of the notorious "Bad Prose" contest. It was hilarious!

    Next, we found out that AnthoCon 5 ( Portsmouth NH ) had been canceled; we were devastated! We went to every AnthoCon since it began. The con was very good to us, and we met some of the nicest human beings on the face of the planet.

   In spite of our terrible disappointment, we look for bright spots in the year ahead. Of course, there will be both the Spring and Winter editions of Northeast Comic Con, ( Wilmington MA ) and we are interested in Megafest ( Framingham MA )--another, larger Comic Con. Then, this week, I discovered online that a Harry Potter convention will be held in May of 2017 ( Laconia NH ) It's to be called MistiCon.

   Now, I am a huge fan of Harry Potter, both the book series and the movies. I love JK Rowling. So I have something to look forward to next year. Hubby is not a fan, but since he's long-suffering, I'm sure he'll go with me. In the meantime, we're keeping our eyes open for other local cons and our fingers crossed.

   Keep on reading and keep on writing!
