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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Another Northeast Comic Con is Coming!

The Winter Edition of Northeast Comic Con will be held Dec. 5&6 at Shriner's Auditorium in Wilmington, MA. The fun-filled event is billed as "the holiday shopping show for nerds and the people who love them!" As a self-proclaimed nerd, I can't wait to meet some of this year's guests.

The movie A Christmas Story  is a classic and one of my favorites. Zack Ward (Scut Farcus ), Ian Petrella ( Randy ), Yano Anaya ( Grover Dill ), and Scott Schwartz ( Flick ) will be guests, and there will be a re-creation of the famous "Santa" set.

Other scheduled guests include Annie Potts of Ghostbusters  and John Wesley Shipp of The Flash.  Also, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Lost in Space, Marta Kristen ( Judy ) and Mark Goddard ( Major Don West ) will appear.

Besides Guest of Honor George Perez, many other comic artists will be in attendance. A great opportunity for those who love comics!

If you're looking for more photo ops, we'll have replicas of Ecto-1, Lost in Space's Robot and Chariot, a full-size Tardis, and a Starship Horizon Bridge simulator.. In addition, there'll be costumes galore, contests, panels, and a voice-over actor's workshop. Also video games, collectibles, food, etc.

I'll be among the authors selling and signing their books. My hubby will once again be selling off a portion of his extensive collection of comics, costumes, toys, etc. You're sure to find gifts for every nerd on your list! As our flyers promise: "Guaranteed not boring!"

Come in costume; meet the guests; bring the whole family for a day of fun! More info, times, etc. available at www.NEComicCon.Net.

Hope to see you there!
